Taking Automation Developer Associate ADAv1 exam.

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I have learn through Coursera with version 2021.10.10. Are there new topics i should have in consideration since the exam is for 2023.10.10?
I need to know if i can pass the exam since i have studied with the 2021 version?
What are your suggestions?
Thank you





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Automation Ops

Hey @Albi_Xhako

Since you’re planning to take the Automation Developer Associate (ADAv1) exam, and you studied using version 2021.10.10, I highly recommend updating your knowledge to the latest version 2023.10.10.
There have been several key changes like Automation Ops has added new capabilities for managing environments, Modern Design Experience now includes updated activities and improved usability, and Document Understanding has received significant enhancements, particularly with new ML models and extraction capabilities , Orchestrator has gained improved user management and cloud integration features, and REFramework has been updated with better practices for error handling and scalability.
These updates are likely to be covered in the exam, so it’s important to be familiar with them.

I suggest refreshing your learning materials using UiPath Academy to stay current with the newest features and boost your chances of passing.

Best of luck with your exam!

Hi @pikorpa
Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I also wanted to make sure that ADAv1 is the equivalent of UiRPA?

Hey @Albi_Xhako
Good question! To clarify: the Automation Developer Associate (ADAv1) certification is indeed the updated equivalent of the UiRPA (UiPath RPA Associate). ADAv1 covers similar foundational concepts but with a focus on the most recent UiPath features and best practices, making it more aligned with current industry standards and UiPath’s recent platform updates.

If you studied for UiRPA, much of that knowledge will still be applicable, but I would recommend brushing up on the latest features in the ADAv1 curriculum to make sure you’re fully prepared.

Let me know if you need more info or resources😊