For example I have 450 rows in a datatable,this number of rows may changes everytime,
In this datatable,I need to take first 100 and and next 100 and so on . until all row complete in a datatable.
For Each loop (TypeArgument: DataRow)
Assign: chunk(data table ) = dt.AsEnumerable().Skip(index * chunkSize).Take(chunkSize).CopyToDataTable()
Process your data
What you can do first is count the total rows of the DataTable (let’s call it “dt_input”). Just add an assign activity, create an int32 type variable (let’s call it “int_dtRowsCount”) and calculate the rows count → dt_input.RowCount.
Once you have the total number of rows you can divide the total amount by the size you want to split the DT (in this case “int_SplitSize” variable = 100). Then, you need to round up that number and that will be the number of iterations to loop through. For this example it will be