I have a regex statement that works outside of UIPath but when I put it in the assign activity as System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(Client,“.Member Name:\s([^\n\r]*”)) it gives me an error.
For Example “Client” is text from a whole PDF page and this RegEx is finding just the text thats after “Member Name”, where in the document that shows up.
What error is it giving?
Try to import the namespace and use invoke of just the function instead of calling whole namespace. You might be making mistake in syntax.
I can’t run the workflow cause the error is “Compiler errors encountered processing expression " System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(Client,“. Member Name:\s ([^\n\r]*”))” End of Expression Expected.
Namespace is already imported, when you say to use invoke - do you mean the invoke method or invoke code and how would you get the output to a variable from using those activities?
I put in this in System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Client,“.Member Name:\s([^\n\r]*”)).Value and then the assign throws the first error I was getting and wont let me run it.
Both of those return nothing as values. My original regex works on https://www.regexpal.com/. Here is an example of the value I am trying to regex. I want the member name and employee ID.
2018 Distribution (including true up for 2017)
Information about the Partnership
Taxpayer ID: XXXXXXX
Partnership Name: XXXXXXX
Partnership Address: XXXXXXXXX
hey Vinutha Great work Can u show me how to extract using regex for the same but for multiple matches System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches()
Can u please consider this