I have a problem executing a process published in the Orchestrator.
The process is created with REFramework and when running from Orchestrator, I will generate the following log as a result:
Time, Level, Message
8/11/2019 1:17:20 PM, Info execution started
8/11/2019 1:17:22 PM, Info Killing processes …
8/11/2019 1:17:24 PM, Fatal System error at initialization: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. at Source: mscorlib
8/11/2019 1:17:26 PM, Info Closing applications …
8/11/2019 1:17:29 PM, Info execution ended
The local execution works correctly.
The process initially when it was developed, was published in orchestrator and worked correctly. Subsequently, it took a virtual machine (Windows Server 2016) and adjustments were made. It was republished, working correctly in Local, but executing the process from the Orchestrator, throws the error
“System error at initialization: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. At Source: mscorlib” and I am not able to deduce the problem.
I am sorry I cannot give more details but I cannot deduce or obtain more information about the problem.
Any suggestions?