How can we use switch case when we required to compare a integer value with ammount as int (5000,7000,10000)
please telll…
How can we use switch case when we required to compare a integer value with ammount as int (5000,7000,10000)
please telll…
Hi @bitubawankar,
in case you need to mention the values like (5000,7000,10000)
Refer this
can i put that kind of condition in switch case
if yes… then its giving expression error…
In Expression you need to give ammount
in case you need to give 5000
Thanks friend
How to pass string that should be taken as input and consider that string as condition in SWITCH.
Example : variable is a string that is taken as string input.
If I give the value “a or b or c or d” it should execute one activity
If I give the value as “e or f or g or h” it should execute different activity.
Please provide the solution along with the workflow.
How to pass string that should be taken as input and consider that string as condition in SWITCH.
Example : variable is a string that is taken as string input.
If I give the value “a or b or c or d” it should execute one activity
If I give the value as “e or f or g or h” it should execute different activity.
Please provide the solution along with the workflow.
@Nihalm7 Do you mean something like this? This is not very scalable but it seems to answer your question.
HI @Bernardo_Ferreira,
You have written case a,case b…
Is it possible to write case a,b,c,d in one e,f,g,h in another case.How to give condition like this?
Could you share the workflow with detailed example.
First i will be giving the input of any of the 26 alphabets,this variable I will be passing in the switch expression.
IN switch
For case A,B,C,D -----It should execute one action
For case E,F,G,H,I,J ------It should execute different action
For case K,L,M,N,O,P-- It should execute another different action.
Hey, what you are looking is solved by If Statements.
It doesn´t make sense to evaluate expressions in a Switch.
Could you share the workflow ,how to write the condition.