By giving specific row name can I do that. Or there is any activity to specify the row?
you have an activity called get row item. you can specify the row item which you want.
Thanks for the answer…I used the activity it worked.
Hey Vishal I have one more question …if I want random data from set of Row’s. How to do that?
Assign dtVariable = new DataTable
Initializing your DataTable variable
[Build your data table process]
Assign intRandom = new Random().Next(0, dtVariable.Rows.Count - 1)
This will give you a randomly generated number between 0 - N, where N = number of rows in your datatable (i.e., a data table of 10 rows will result in a count of 10)
We subtract 1 because dtVariable.Rows.Count starts at 1, whereas dtVariable.Rows(index) starts at 0 (i.e., a data table of 10 rows will result in an index max of 9).
Assign rowRandom = dtVariable.Rows(intRandom)
This will output a DataRow at random of DataRow type
Thank you @x.Rei.Ai.x
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