StudioX Creating data table from excel data


I have excel file and I would like to create datatable with it, and then filter data table, and then write the output to Excel again.

I need to do this because I have bug in Excel and I need to filter something.

What activities should I use? how to start?

is thsi the correct way?

Hi @anon40731888

Have you tried with this filter activity?


Yes I tried, but it returns an error THE RANGE TO BE FILTERED CANNOT OVERLAP ANY TABLE

That is why I want to try different way

And I’m not sure why the error because filtering is very simple, I have a column that has either 1 or 2. And I filter by 1 and it gives me error

Hi @anon40731888
You can follow the below process in Studio X to achieve your output. Provide your input excel in that place.

Hope it helps!!


Does it mean that only rows that in column Status contain “1” will be kept?

Hi @anon40731888

If you want Status in the output column then keep the option in the “Output Columns” and given your column name.


Can you explain the filter condition? @anon40731888

No no, what I want to do is:

This is what I have:


And I need all this:

Is this correct then? (Sorry if this is stupid question, I’m new)



So when I did this in excel my filter condition was very simple:

Status = 1



Yes Your procedure is right.
Keep the option in filter rows and give your condition there.

HI @anon40731888

You excel file should contain only the Status = 1 Right?

Have you tried with Filter data table activity (Classic)

Can you share the sample excel file?


Hi @anon40731888

Excel Perform (267.2 KB)

Have uploaded the zip file of process workflow for your reference.
Hope it helps!!

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