Splitting an excel file into multiple excel files

splitting an excel file into multiple excel files

Use Case Description

hello, i am stucked. i want to split my excel file to multiple excel files for every 100 rows. total number of rows are dynamic. could you please help me.



Other information about the use case

Industry categories for this use case: Logistic

Skill level required: Beginners

UiPath Products that were used: UiPath Studio

Other applications that were used: EXCEL

Other resources: -

What is the top ROI driver for this use case?: Other


The following post will help you. There is a sample workflow to split single excel sheet to multiple xlsx files.


Hi @edipyilmaz, welcome to the Community.

There is a component in the marketplace which helps you split the datatable into chunks, check this out:

Also, the following thread contains some discussions around this:

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

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Hi @edipyilmaz,

Test_Skip_Take.xaml (6.6 KB)

Please do try this workflow. I have tested it. It works as per your requirement.

Hope it helps.


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hello Harshith_Adyanthaya,

The code that you shared has worked.
Thank you very much.

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