Split the datatable based on sum of two rows as 0

this is my datatable input
this is my expect output
matched records
Unmatched records
for every row if there is a matching negative amount in B column
it should be segregated to Matched records and remaining rows to Unmatched records
can anyone help me with linq query for this problem
thanks in advance

Hi @Sanjeev_Kumar4

→ Read Range Workbook
Output-> dtInput

→ Use below syntax in Assign activity

-> dtMatched= dtInput.Clone()
-> dtUnmatched= dtInput.Clone()
-> matchedRows= From row In dtInput.AsEnumerable()
                  Let A = row.Field(Of String)("A")
                  Let B = row.Field(Of Double)("B")
                  Where dtInput.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(r) r.Field(Of String)("A") = A AndAlso r.Field(Of Double)("B") = -B)
                  Select row
-> dtMatched= matchedRows.CopyToDataTable()
-> unmatchedRows= From row In dtInput.AsEnumerable()
                    Where Not matchedRows.Contains(row)
                    Select row
-> dtUnmatched= unmatchedRows.CopyToDataTable()
-> DataTable_Matched= dtMatched.DefaultView.ToTable(True, "A", "B")
-> DataTable_Unmatched= dtUnmatched.DefaultView.ToTable(True, "A", "B")

Note: dtMatched, dtUnmatched, DataTable_Matched, DataTable_Unmatched are of DataType System.Data.DataTable. matchedRows and unmatchedRows are of DataType IEnumerable(System.Data.DataRow).
→ Use Write Range Workbook to write DataTable_Matched and DataTable_Unmatched back to excel.
Sequence3.xaml (11.6 KB)

Hope it helps!!

Hi mahesh thank you for the solution but the i need the duplicates also for matched records for every -ve amount we should have +ve amount but i am getting all -ve amounts

Hi @Sanjeev_Kumar4

If possible could you share input file. I will check and let you know.


Forum question.xlsx (24.2 KB)
hi mahesh sheet1 is the input and matched and unmatched sheets are output

thanks in advance


small clarity we need to compare the every row with the preceding row or all the rows ?


every row but once you find the -ve match break the loop and proceed with next row basically i want for every credit transaction amount i want debit transaction amount in matched records.