Split month and year from them and write into respective columns

Hi All,

Please provide workflow by using following file.
I want to split month and year from date column and write them into “Month” and “Year column”

Excel.xlsx (136.2 KB)

@SagarSB check below file for the solution.

dateExcel.xaml (15.1 KB)

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hi indra,

Its showing the error

@SagarSB what error you are getting its working fine for me

In my sheet i m having huge data…

Date column is in between

Source:Get Row Item
Message:DateTimeConverter cannot convert from System.Double

@SagarSB change get row item variable to generic type

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after making get_date generic it is showing blue error icon for get row item

after making get_date generic it is showing blue error icon for get row item

@SagarSB Follow the file which i have uploaded its working i cross checked two times.