I have a DataTable of products with columns
“ProductName”, and
LINQ query to sort the products by “Price” in descending order.
Hi @rajmoin136
You can use the below linq expression in assign activity,
- Assign -> Products_DT = Products_DT.AsEnumerable().OrderByDescending(Function(row) Convert.ToDecimal(row("Price").toString)).Copytodatatable()
Hope it helps!!
var sortedProducts = from row in dataTable.AsEnumerable()
orderby row.Field<decimal>("Price") descending
select row;
DataTable sortedTable = sortedProducts.CopyToDataTable();
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Hi @rajmoin136
productDataTable.AsEnumerable().OrderByDescending(Function(row) Convert.ToDecimal(row("Price"))).CopyToDataTable()
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