Solve the error

please solve this problem how to solve this



Check this:

@UJJVAL_BHAGAT, It seems like you’re trying to assign string value to array variable. Can you check the assign activities?

Meena. M

Could you provide the code? it will help me to understand where you made mistake

Can you share any screenshot where you are getting this error.
The value should be string but you are trying it to convert that into Array of strings.
Can you check any assign activity you are using

Hi Folks, I am new to UI path and trying to learning the RPA. I was trying one practice where i need to create array for use case. but i am seeing error when passing value in input option for multiple choice.
Passing vlaue : {“New York”,“London”,“Barcelona”,“Bucharest”,“New Delhi”}
Error : Value of type ‘String()’ can notconverted to ‘String’.

Also lable for option is coming as Input Options (Separate with :wink: