Sending Email Content with Notepad

Hi All,

I need to send a summarized email and there are 2 variables that come from counting Excel row, which will be put into the email body. However, the content is stored in Notepad and I dont know to to call that 2 variables when you already have content in Notepad.

Pls help. many thx

User String.Format
Replace the Variable with {0} and {1} and bind the values using String.Format(",Val1, Val2)

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Do you mean like this

But Can I know how to bind these 2 variables

Read Text file using UiPath activity and save it to a Variable (eg: Var1)

now use
Var1=String.Format(Var1,Value1, Value2)

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Seems not working

Content.xaml (5.1 KB) testing.txt (103 Bytes) (1.4 KB)

Thank you so much. It works

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