Selector Not Found Exception Message is missing detailed failed selector informations

In Modern UI Experience, in case of Selector Not Found exception it is giving generic message (as given below). In the classic UI experience, the exception gives more details on failed selectors (Given below at the end). Can you please bring similar details in the former one?

Generic Message: Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action. Possible solutions: • Ensure application is opened and the UI element is visible on the screen at execution time • Edit the Target of the UI activity and use Validation to debug the issue. • If needed, re-indicate the element as its properties might have changed • Use “Check state” activity to check the application state before executing the action • Increase the “Delay before” value to allow time to the application to render entirely and become responsive

Detailed Message:
Could not find the UI element corresponding to this selector:

Search failed at selector tag:

The closest matches found are:


Already posted. Vote here: The "cannot find UI element" error needs to give more detail


Indeed here also as I didn’t see Paul’s topic.

Its been open for quite some time now and combined has alot of votes.

@loginerror perhaps these topics can be merged and the votes consolidated. We clearly want it so a bumper topic with alot of votes might get some attention needed on this.

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