Hi, I just want the year (2016) but 2508 is also highlighted.
SINGAPORE AIRLINES LIMITED Electronic Ticket Receipt: 618 25088985899 SANJAYAEKA BUDI MR MAHARANWFINI MRS Bocking Rctorenoe: T7MBJO Date of Isste: 18 Dec 2016 Frequent Flyer Number Place of Issue: YAIR Tourllner Yogyskartx Indenesla Flight Detalls Tickel Number: 618 25088985899 So 963 Operated by Singapere Aidlines Economy Class (c) From Jakarta (CGK-Sockamo Inti) Terminal: 2F Depart Sat 29 Dec 2016 18:00 Status: Confirmed To:
Is it possible to just use one expression that will extract the year for both text?
Flight Check-in: at Departure 349 05Nov2022 05Nov2022 07:10 10:10