Segregate Similar set of the Data using Linq

Hello everyone,

I have data table as shown below :

i need to perform the following steps :

  1. I have to segregate the data based on Invoice code and invoice currency, for example for the first one where i have Invoice code (A) and Invoice currencyc(AUD) both are same. I have to segregate this.
  2. One segregated, here the invoice number is unique for each of the row. i have to make this invoice numbers as list. since they fall under same invoice code category.
  3. I have to push this to Queue. The queue should be created in such a way that all the invoice number under same Invoice code category should come in one transaction with all the invoice numbers as a list.

kindly let me know you thought on making this the easier and simpler solution as possible.Appreciate your responses. Thank you!

hey @shivarajvp555
Refer the below xaml it is similar to your use case (30.1 KB)

Hope it helps you

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Hi @vikas_M can you Please reshare this whole project you have created as i am not able to open it.



Sure , below is the file (30.1 KB)