I have an excel file, and I’m using “For Each Excel Row” to “browse” through one of my row.
Therefore, I have assign a variable such as “Var = CurrentRow.ByIndex(0)” which give me the value of the row I’m on.
However, I would like to be able to have the next value while still being in my first iteration.
I was thinking about something like "CurrentRow.ByIndex(1), but this gives me the value of the next row, and not the second value on my current row.
In the value that you have given between the braces 0 or 1. It indicates the index of the Column. If you will give 0 it will give you the 1st column value in the Current row and 1 will give the 2nd column value.
In the next iteration you will get the next row value.
Thanks for your quick answer.
I would like to be able to get the next row value but in my current iteration. How could I do that ?
(I want to compare my current value with the next one).