
I am using the Get Blob Container. I am getting an error that says that I can not convert string to a secure string. Any ideas how to fix this or how to secure the string?

You can do it with the NetworkCredential type:

(new System.Net.NetworkCredential(“”, “myString”)).SecurePassword


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Yeah, I have seen this one as well. Do you know where to get that Assign option? Or what package option is it? @onkar_kamegaonkar

it’s just a normal “Assign” Activity…


Sorry I am new to this program. Am I just looking in the wrong area? @onkar_kamegaonkar

Ideally this should be included in default activities

Check by updating your packages to the latest one…

Anyway, for your current problem, you can directly write expression in the “Storage account key” field…

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That did work. Thanks for helping @onkar_kamegaonkar

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