Save Excel File As than close it

I’m inside of an Excel Probe activity running in a loop (while do), with “file1” opened. So, I don’t want to break the loop or close this “file1”.

Now, I saved “file1” with a new name: “excel_file_name”.
The issue is that I want to close the newer Excel file.


Tried Close Workbook activity but it doesn’t help since it doesn’t read the variable named “excel_file_name” because : the value of type “string” cannot be converted to Workbook Application".

How to close this “excel_file_name” file ?


Close workbook is the Classic activity and the Save Excel File As activity is the Modern design experience activity. we can’t use the excel_file_name in the Close workbook.

In the Excel process scope activity open the properties in Existing processes action option select the Force kill option in dropdown. It will close the excel automatically after the activities inside Excel Process scope activity ended,

Hope it helps!!


Use Kill Process activity

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