Save Excel as PDF : Nothing to save error

Hi All,
I am trying to save an excel as PDF using the modern activity but I am getting below error:

Private: Save Excel File As PDF: Nothing to save. Please check the first and last page are smaller than the total number of pages in your document.

Not sure why is it throwing this error.

Please help

Hi @pankaj.chaturvedi

Check if this can help

Save Excel File As PDF: Nothing to save - Help / StudioX - UiPath Community Forum

I checked it - it says at least 1 printer should be added as a solution.

What if no printers, will this activity not save excel into pdf ?

Are you getting this when you go to Print >

How to Print to PDF or Save As PDF in Microsoft Excel - Techbout

Check Page Range:

  • Make sure that the page range specified for the PDF conversion is valid. Ensure that the first and last page numbers are within the total number of pages in your Excel document.

Empty Excel Document:

Can you please show what exactly needs to be check in your statement. I found this solution but was not sure which property I have to look for

There are some ways to achieve it.
The following is to copy xlsx file to temporary file in advance then delete unneeded sheets using ForEachExcelSheet, for example.

Hope this helps you.


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Check the page range: Verify that the first and last page numbers are within the range of the total number of pages in the Excel file.

Validate the Excel file: Open the Excel file and check for any empty or blank pages. If found, remove or fill in the empty pages.

Check for hidden pages: In Excel, go to the “View” tab and select “Unhide All Sheets” to ensure that all pages are visible.

Use the classic activity: If the issue persists, try using the classic “Save Excel File As PDF” activity, which may be more tolerant of invalid page ranges.

Update UiPath: Ensure that you are using the latest version of UiPath Studio, as there might have been bug fixes related to the “Save Excel File As PDF” activity.

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