Running out of the loop while the condition is not satisfied

Hi, I am facing an issue in Do While Loop. If you see my condition.

Now you see it’s continuing in the loop even the condition doesn’t match.

This is strange even the currentRowCount is greater than totalRowCount.
It should come out from the loop but it is still iterating in the loop.

@Palaniyappan @lakshman can you see what is the issue. It should break once the condition got fail, but it’s still continue the loop.

We are missing with some variable assignment with value
Can I have a view on the do while loop a screenshot if possible

Cheers @balkishan

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Is the currentRowsCount and totalRowsCount are variables of type Integer or not ?

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Please see

Don’t get confuse with the While loop which I put inside Do While.

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Yes both are Int32 and Global variable, That’s way they increment bro.

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So what is inside the while loop
Are we using this variable count and those two variables inside the while loop
Cheers @balkishan

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Yes, I am infringement the currentRowCount on every iteration of While loop inside the Do While.

totalRowCount is my fixed. Once extract the data.


Show me screenshot of data inside While loop also.

Yah what is the process inside the while loo

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@Palaniyappan @lakshman

in the while Loop, Iterate each page of the portal 10 times. Nothing but a click on the tag!.
There is no issue with the While Loop but strange is why the Do While is not breaking after the condition is not satisfied.

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We are doing a assign activity with CurrentRowsCount inside this while loop na
May I know what is the value part of that assign activity
Cheers @balkishan

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Here you used While loop inside Do-While loop. First it will perform steps mentioned in the While loop and it will keep continue until mentioned condition got failed. And then only it will come out from this loop and check condition mentioned in Do-While Loop activity.

If Count value become 13 then it will come out of this loop here.

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Before Do While Loop I have assigned this image

And inside the While Loop I am increment this by 1.
here is image

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Okay let me try this.

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