I am trying to round up from 3 decimal places to 2 decimal places. It gives the floor value.!
Given the value 0.105, I want it to round up to 0.11.
Hope the following helps you.
If your input is Ina a string variable named strinput
Then use a assign activity like this
stroutput =(Math.Ceiling(Double.Parse(“0.105”)*100)/100).ToString
Cheers @aqiff
Thank you for this solution !
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But wait, how about when we have value that is 0.103? it will give us 0.11 … which is not true …
Try this one:
Math.Round(Double.Parse(“0.105”),2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
This is similar to your initial approach, you should just add the MidPointRounding in the end.
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Wow this is a very good one !
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