Rich Text Editor Source Code vs Value

Just started exploring the Rich Text Editor and found a possible bug. After attaching an image to the text editor I can see in the source code that the image is linked to a blob storage file URL, but the Rich Text Editor value stores the image as base64 data. This becomes an issue when trying to add the Rich Text editor value inside a data service entity as the max length for a data service entity is only 4000 characters. The base 64 image can easily take up 10000+ characters meaning that with attaching just an image it cannot be inserted into a single data service entity. If this is not a bug then a possible solution would be allowing developers to get the course code value vs the underlying value.

My current solution in the mean time would probably be creating multiple entities that store parts of the Rich Text Editor value and then combining them together into a single item. That would work from a storage point of view, but retrieving the data back into apps would become a little more complicated