Retrieve the body of several emails according to the subject

Hello UiPath Community,

I want to retrieve the body of several emails according to the subject and with respect to the subject of each I would like to write a single email with all the bodies of the emails always according to the subject.

could you help me, I have already started with “get outlook mail message”, how to add all the body and then recover to make a single body maybe with a datatable but i need some help please

Hi @kaj

You can use build data table activity as below,

And then use the workflow as below,

then you can retrive this data stored in the excel file and continue your flow.

Vasanth Kumar


If my understanding is correct you take append the body to single text item

once completion of all mails you can text in body


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Hi @kaj ,

you can get the mails by using a filter in the activity for subject, then from the list of emails you can join the all the body to get your output.

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