Replacing non-numeric characters

Hi All,

I am obtaining a number from a cell but sometimes other characters are added as per below:

How would I check each character to confirm it is non-numeric and remove?
How would I check the first character of the string to confirm its non-numeric and remove?

Just to confirm are you trying to remove β€œ-” this in String. In that case you can use replace activity to replace it to null.

Or you can convert that complete string to double " Convert.ToDouble(yourstring)", so that it will still show as a numeric value.
To check whether string is numeric or not β€œMicrosoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric(yourstring.ToString)”

Hi Hemanth,

I want to keep the β€œ-” as it is a negative amount.
As the string contains β€œ=”, I am unable to convert to double as it does not recognise as a number format.
I am trying to remove the β€œ=” but the person filling the cell could place any non-numeric characters.

Use Replace Activity and use below Regex Pattern.
As you said β€œI am trying to remove the β€œ=” but the person filling the cell could place any non-numeric characters.”. So you have to remove all non numeric characters.

Regex Pattern : [a-z\s_:;'/="]+

If you don’t want to remove alphabets, then use like below
Regex Pattern : [\s_:;'/="]+

Input- String Variable
Regex Option : (IgnoreCase, Compiled)


Hi Mahesh,

This is great.

So if I assign Cell = ?-123D123
NewCell = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Cell,β€œ\D”,β€œβ€)
This provides the outocme NewCell = 123123

Is it possible to keep the β€œ-”
So it will result NewCell = -123123


Then use below pattern


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Hi Mahesh1,

UIpath did not accept this expression as it provides a compiling error.


You to to give pattern within double coats


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use this in assign statement

Numbers = Regex.Match(yourInputString,β€œ\d+”).Value

Thank you. This is my first time using the replace activity.
I am unsure what I have done wrong as it still showing the original value.

Kind regards,


you have not assigned any value to the result field. Please once assign the value and let me know whether it is working or not.


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Hi Mahesh1,

Thank you. It worked perfectly.
I accidentally assigned it outside the activity not knowing it required an output assigned within the replace activity.


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