Replacing characters with ""

Hello friends,
I attach here an Excel File.
Arricchimento_2018_07_03_122846.xlsx (16.2 KB)
In the column “Indirizzo”

there is a string “( variable number)” which I should eliminate.
I should manipulate the variable Indirizzo so that I can eliminate the (number).
Can anyone kindly help me?
Thank you so much,
Camilla. :slight_smile:

Hi @CamiCat,

Try this way to update the data
Use For each row activity
update the record

row("Indirizzo")=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Convert.ToString(row("Indirizzo")),"(\(\d*\))", "")

Regards, Arivu :slight_smile:

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@CamiCat Please find below file.

A—.xaml (10.0 KB)

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You can also use a regex formula like that one:

(?<=\(\d\) ).+

This will select everything after the "(digit) "

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Thank you so much @loginerror.
I’ll try with your solution and let you know as soon as possible.
Camilla :slight_smile:

Thank you so much @arivu96.
I’ll try and let you know as soon as possible.
Camilla. :slight_smile: