In the above example the highlighted part we need to keep and need to remove the unwanted string data.
Highlighted part is the pattern we get in pdf file.
“320151IGV, -320152PartB, -320153, -25 rev 02,
-320157, -320161, -320168 Part A, -320170, -320171, -320172, -320174
SI 18-2022, SI 53-2021.
Special instruction SI53-2021.c
Only these type of pattern need to extract and rest all need to remove.
The part which is not highlighted is not fixed it will changing.
How to do.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
Hi @Rounak_Kumar1 ,
I tried the above expression but it will work only for single file. For other files not working because the data which is not highlighted is not fixed it will be changing, Highlighted part data is fixed.
What changes I need to do.
Can you try this in an Assign.
Left Assign:
Right Assign
System.text.regularexpressions.regex.replace(Str_Input,”[\s\S]+(?=Cause and Corrective action/Certificate|Justified Removal:|Disposition)”, “”)
This should replace the highlighted text with nothing (“”)
Can you try this in an Assign.
Left Assign:
Right Assign
System.text.regularexpressions.regex.replace(Str_Input, “(?<=Cause and Corrective action/Certificate|Justified Removal:|Disposition)[\s\S]+”, “”)
This should replace the highlighted text with nothing (“”)
@Steven_McKeering ,
SBs embodied during shop visit: -320151IGV, -320152PartB, -320153,
-320157, -320161, -320168 Part A, -320170, -320171, -320172, -320174
Cause and Corrective action/Certificate
Its extracting Justified Removal: , Cause and Corrective action/Certificate along with required values. Output from 2 files.