Remove rows after A10 cell

Hi @Cuberoot ,

Could you try the below approach :

  1. Use Read Range Activity and keep the Range property as “A9” and Uncheck Add Headers Option. Get the datatable value in variable, lets say DT.

  2. Next, You can use Filter Datatable activity to Filter values to have only rows containing the DUNS number value, For that follow the below Configuration in Filter Datatable activity.

  3. Next, there are multiple ways to proceed from here :
    a. As you would require to have it in the same Excel sheet, you could create a Template of it already kept ready, Copy the Template Excel sheet and Write the Filter Datatable Output to it using Write Range activity starting from Range A9.
    b. You could use Write Cell activity to clear the Existing data present in the Excel sheet Starting from Range “A9” and after clearing use Write Range activity to Write the Filtered Datatable output. A more detailed on clearing the data range is provided in the below Post :

Here, Also assuming that the Filtered Rows is needed to be Preserved and not the way of Removing the rows after a certain row number.