How can clear entire data from a datatable including headers.
Der is one activity as “Clear Datatable”. This activity will clear your entire Datatable.
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Happy Automation
Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal
@Pratik_Wavhal Which will not remove the headers, i want to remove headers also
While Reading Datatable Remove the checked mark of “Add Headers” from the Properties of Read Range Activity as shown below :-
And then try to clear the datatable.
By this way it should remove the Headers too.
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Happy Automation
Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal
@Pratik_Wavhal in my scnario, i am not reading from excel i am datascraping for multiple dropdowns, whose headers are varying, when i am going for second dropown, if i am clearing the dT headers are not going i wanted to clear datatable including headers.
Or else one another method is by doing within Assign Activity as shown below :-
Datatable myDT = Nothing
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Happy Automation
Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal
@Pratik_Wavhal can you help me for this scenario also.
I am getting below Json response, and if i am deserializing as Array getting Error, but i can able to deserialize as Json object.
Can someone help me to get the json values like number and other.
{“result”:[{“number”:“INC3067438”,“short_description”:“Functional > Unable to perform required action in SERVICE WITH INTEGRITY FLEXIBILITY AND TEAMWORK-FT”,“sys_id”:“001fe9161bae98dcebc7baecdc4bcbda”,“escalation”:“2”,“opened_by”:{“link”:“",“value”:“c2ea834e4faa420095b82ae6f110c7e1”},“cmdb_ci”:{“link”:“”,“value”:“fa94b46d4f6a4200cac0495d0210c75d”},“sys_created_on”:"2020-08-12 21:41:18”,“description”:“SwIFT 551492419: PSP 1592937 will not progress to Ordered Status because of the following System Task Note: PSP ID 1592937 cannot proceed because it is on in-flight ASRI order 551401233.\nThis System Task needs to be overridden because this PSP is not on SwIFT 551401233.”,“u_s_item”:“Application Issue”,“state”:“10”,“assigned_to”:{“link”:“",“value”:“900397371b1cbb0c110add7ebd4bcb1a”}},{“number”:“TASK1467755”,“short_description”:"ASRI - Data, Order, Service, System Error: Functionality - Unable to action tasks”,“sys_id”:“09c05bce1bea98d847e87449cc4bcbbc”,“escalation”:“1”,“opened_by”:{“link”:“",“value”:“5b62b25d1bb033444dddda83cd4bcb2c”},“cmdb_ci”:{“link”:“”,“value”:“4c4522ef4fb65e4ccac0495d0210c7cf”},“sys_created_on”:"2020-08-12 10:06:32”,“description”:“Tasks “build_ethernet_circuit”,“validate_modify”, “service_complete” ,“activation_complete_data” are in “waiting” state for \r\nHO-76187900-N59616 and HO-76276600-N596166\r\n”,“u_s_item”:"ASRI - Data, Order, Service, System Error (War Room) ",“state”:“2”,“assigned_to”:{“link”:“",“value”:“4134d3ce4faa420095b82ae6f110c7e6”}},{“number”:“INC3073720”,“short_description”:"Functional > Unable to perform required action in SERVICE ACTIVATION ORCHESTRATOR-FT”,“sys_id”:“0a01b3321b2ad050ebc7baecdc4bcbd6”,“escalation”:“0”,“opened_by”:{“link”:“",“value”:“7bfbaef74f474fc4cac0495d0210c707”},“cmdb_ci”:{“link”:“”,“value”:“437ce8e94f66420095b82ae6f110c721”},“sys_created_on”:"2020-08-14 20:23:39”,“description”:“Order Number: HO-57838200-551283384-336341515 \nGlobal Region :\nSupp: 1\nService Id: 00/VLXX/432343/LVLCDue Date: 08/04/2020 (UTC)\nService Activity: NEW\nService Piid: HO-57838200-551283384-336341515_OVC\n\nACT: Deployment Failed : Deployment Failed Deployment Failed var1.scr1 : No Driver for ‘unknown’”,“u_s_item”:“Application Issue”,“state”:“3”,“assigned_to”:{“link”:“",“value”:"4134d3ce4faa420095b82ae6f110c7e6”}}]}
May you get the starter help from below files :- (58.1 KB)
Happy Automation
Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal
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