Remove Duplicate row in Data table

Can you guide to achieve following requirements

  1. How to remove the row if Language Column is EMPTY
  2. if duplicate value found in “Key” Column - Keep only the row which has “en” as value in language column

Example : Keep only 39th row and delete 37 & 38

  1. “RowNo” column value + 2 and add another column and update the result

Example : New column name "New Row No : the value will of 38th row is 36 and result would be 38 in “New Row No” column


Hello @Sathish_Kumar_S , Please refer this YouTube video

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Hi @Sathish_Kumar_S

Kindly provide your expected output based on the input



How about the following?

How to remove the row if Language Column is EMPTY

dt1 = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) not String.IsNullOrEmpty(r("Language").ToString)).CopyToDataTable()

if duplicate value found in “Key” Column - Keep only the row which has “en” as value in language column

dt2 = dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Key").ToString).SelectMany(Function(g) g.Where(Function(r) r("Language").ToString="en")).CopyToDataTable()

“RowNo” column value + 2 and add another column and update the result

dt3 = dt.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r,i) dt.Clone.LoadDataRow({r(0),r(1),if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(r(1).ToString),"",i.ToString)},false)).CopyToDataTable (3.0 KB)


@fernando_zuluaga @Yoichi

Attached the input file for DT & expected output files . Kindly review the file and provide the solution… thanks

Expectedoutput.xlsx (8.5 KB)
Input-DT.xlsx (8.6 KB)

Hi @Sathish_Kumar_S

@Yoichi already provided the solution, kindly give a try and let us know if you got the expected output


Hi I have noticed the code is removing “en” row for non duplicate rows also

For example :grinning:

PV3.11.3 & PV 3648 has “de” as value and it has removed in the output

We need to remove “de” only if we have duplicate value in KEY column





Can you try the following?

 dt = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) not String.IsNullOrEmpty(r("Language").ToString)).GroupBy(Function(r) r("Key").ToString).Select(Function(g) g.OrderByDescending(Function(r) arr.Contains(r("Language").ToString)).First).CopyToDataTable

Next add new column, then

dt = dt.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(r) dt.Clone.LoadDataRow({r(0),r(1),r(2),Cint(r(2))+2},False)).CopyToDataTable() (15.1 KB)


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