Remove duplicate row if one column is blank

Hi Everyone.

I want to remove duplicate row with LinQ in datatable.

The datatable as below picture and attached file. I want remove the duplicate rows if the value at “status” column is blank…

The Input Table:

The Output Table:

Thanks in advance!
Book1.xlsx (8.3 KB)


Can you try the following expression?

result = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) r("status") isnot Nothing AndAlso (not String.IsNullOrEmpty(r("status").ToString))).CopyToDataTable


Probably, you can also use FilterDataTable activity to achieve it.


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Hi @Mr.H

You can make use of the Filter Data Table as in the below inline screenshot.


Hope this will be helpful. Thank you.

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Hi Bro.

No, i want to delete the duplicate rows in datatable.

In the input datatable, i have 3 duplicate rows… but it only remove the duplicate row which is null at “status” column.

In the actual data, it has many row null or not null at “status” column.


I had misunderstanding your requirement.
How about the following expression?

result = dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("item").ToString).SelectMany(Function(g) g.Where(Function(r) r("status") isnot Nothing AndAlso (not String.IsNullOrEmpty(r("status").ToString)))).CopyToDataTable


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Thanks you very much Bro!

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