I have a RegEx issue which I hope you can help with.
Below is an extract of Text which appears in a much larger document
Quantity U.O.M. Supplier Description Delivery Unit Price Line Value
Required Part Number Date Including Discount GBP
1 EACH Acrobat Pro Version 2020 AOO License 1 User/ 474.29 474.29
Instructions to Supplier: This order is subject to the standard Terms and Conditions of contract. For a copy of these please contact the Buyer for this order. Any price alterations must be agreed
with the buyer prior to order execution. The above order number must be quoted on all invoices, acknowledgements, delivery notes and other correspondence. A delivery note must accompany each
consignment of goods. The order must not be passed to any third party for supply. Any invoices not complying with these instructions will be returned unpaid to the supplier.
The output I want to obtain is the second 474.29
I have tried this in regex101.com and the code works - please see screenshot
The required pattern to be extracted is the last set of figures on this line
1 EACH Acrobat Pro Version 2020 AOO License 1 User/ 474.29 474.29
or it may be
3 EACH Acrobat Pro Version 2020 AOO License 1 User/ 474.29 1422.87
The figure 1422.87 (variable) may appear with or without a comma - it may be 1,422.87
As far as the single value goes, the code
\bAcrobat.+? (\d+.\d+)$
works in Regex101.com and returns the final 474.29 BUT does not work in Studio