I searched regex patterns especially for invoice, but i couldn’t find the right one for my automation. so im asking how can i extract the invoice no and amounts from this text. if it could be a easy to modify i appreciate it.
note: for sure all patterns can be modify but im asking if it could be an easy way for this kind of invoice. for example you can give an pattern for “invoice no” or “date” and i can modify it for “total amount” also
here is invoice;
Invoice No. 155652 Via del Colosseo
Roma, Italy
Date: 2017-11-21
Vendor: In Advantage Technologies
Client Name
ACME Systems Inc.
Somewhere Road 59,
Bucharest, Romania
Invoices must be paid within 20 days starting with the issue date.
Item Description Quantity Price Per Total
IT Support 1 165054 EUR 165054 EUR
Subtotal: 137545 EUR
Tax: 27509 EUR
Total: 165054 EUR