RegEx Matches returning 0 instead of proper result. Works in builder and regexstorm
I know this gets posted a lot, I have looked through a number of posts but cannot find an answer that works.
I am trying to pull 3 pieces of text out of a text file:
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: eea40a520ca830445b3626a67a90419d
externalObjects: {}
mainObjectFileID: 11400000
I setup 3 regexes:
“(?<=fileFormatVersion: )." to get the value of 2 on the first line
"(?<=guid: ).” to get the value of the guid line
“(?<=mainObjectFileID: ).*” to get the value of mainobject file ID.
I then assign each to a variable, like MatchObject(0).toString
all 3 of them work in the RegEx builder within UI Path, and on Regex storm. But when I run my sequence, the 3rd one returns a value of 0… No errors, just printing a 0 instead of the expected ID.