RegEx - Find Matching Patterns

I have the regex
and this string
"[100] Key0: Value0 // [101] Key1: Value1// [711] Key2: Value2 // [102] Key3: Value3 //".

I want to get “Value1” but I am getting “[101] Key1: Value1//”.
What am I doing wrong?

Hi @Staccato ,
Try with this regex : (?<=[101] Key1: )\w+

Ok, maybe my example wasnt that good. The problem is, that I do not know “key1”.
What I need ist: Found “[101]”, ignore everything up to “:”, return everything up to “//”.

@Staccato ,
could you please share input and expected output?

Input: “[100] Key0: Value0 // [101] Key1: Value1 // [711] Key2: Value2 // [102] Key3: Value3 //”
Expected output: “Value1”


try this to get “Value1”
use assign activity
strInput (String Type) = “[100] Key0: Value0 // [101] Key1: Value1 // [711] Key2: Value2 // [102] Key3: Value3 //”
strOutput(String Type) = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(strInput, “[101].?:\s([^/]+)\s*//”).Groups(1).Value

Thank you very much - thats was the push in the right direction!
Your example returns “Value0” but the following seems to work:

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match("[100] Key0: Value0 // [101] Key1: Value1 // [711] Key2: Value2 // [102] Key3: Value3 //", "\[101\].*?:\s*([^\/]+)\s*\/\/").Groups(1).Value

Thx again.

Another solution if you would like to try:
