I want to extract 3 digit number from input which could be delimited by space,comma, or semicolon.
output-343 232
condition 2
Also if input is like 232(2) or 343x3
The output should be x=232 and in other variable lets say y=2
and x-343 y=3
So both condition should be satisfied.
\d{3} this will give you three digit
if you want (2) and 3 you can use this (?<=d{3}.).[0-9]*
you can use this!
(Michel SAN)
February 21, 2020, 1:01pm
I want to check 3 conditions:-
if string is 3 digits space “x” eg 232 x2
if string is 3 digits space “(” eg 353 (3)
if string is 4 digits eg 3565
i was using something like this,could you help on this
\d{3} x|\d{3} (([^)]+))|\d{4}
if string has 4 digits??
wht you want to pick??
s 3 digits space “x” eg 232 x2
if string is 3 digits space “(” eg 353 (3)
if string is 4 digits eg 3565
try this!
if either condition is true…i want to result is out as boolean:true
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use IsMatches Activity then!
for this input string : 338 + 724(2) + 729x3
it should result as false,but it is matching
which activity you are using?
(Michel SAN)
February 24, 2020, 1:38pm
I’m afraid I might not understand clearly your problem but the following will check if your string contains a part complying to at least one of the three conditions.
\b\d{4}\b|\b\d{3} [x\(]
or, if you don’t mind the groups, \b\d{3}(\d\b| [x\(])
did you get the result as expected?