Regarding how to read .csv file and output as datatable

Hi there, I’m pretty new to cloud robot.
Although we have “read range” activity on classic activity and can convert csv to datatable, I can not find the activity with cloud robot.
It would be appreciated if you could have any workaround.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @usertest114

Use Read CSV activity and store the output in a data table.

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @usertest114

Use Cloud Storage Service:
If your CSV file is stored in a cloud storage service like Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud Storage, you can use activities provided by UiPath to interact with these services. UiPath has activities for cloud services in the UiPath.Web.Activities package.

HTTP Request:
If the CSV file is accessible via a URL, you can use the HTTP Request activity to download the file and then use the Read CSV activity to process it.


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Thanks, but it looks like “Read CSV” activity not listed on Cloud Robot (Closs-platform environment) …


Can you try ReadTextFile and GenerateDataTable as the following?


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It worked as expected! Thanks for your assistance!

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Hi, I’m just wondering how you get retrieved file or folder.
Note: I’m currently downloading file on sharepoint with download file activity but the data not retrieved file…


Can you elaborate? If your additional question is apart from this title, perhaps you should raise a new topic for it because it will help those who face same issue.

Edit: Sorry, I didn’t realized you already raised a new topic.


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