Regarding extracting file

HI @irahmat ,

Take a look to extracting the file unzip.


Hi @balupad14

Thanks for your answer. correct me if I wrong, that activities is only available only for Enterprise Edition. so, at that moment I was using Community Edition and I need to create a new activities by C# and It’s done.

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Hi @irahmat,
You can get this activity in community edition also. I am also using the community edition. below I have shown the how to get

Manage Packages-> Available → All → Scroll down. you can see the “BalaReva.Externals.Activities”


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Thanks @balupad14, I appreciated.

Hi Bala,

I am getting the following errormoving

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I used UiPathTeam.UnzipProg.Activity package to unzip the file and it worked for me.
It will ask for Zip File (i.e we need to give the path where zip file resides) & Destination (i.e. we need to specify the folder where we wish our zip file be to be unzipped)


Try with this activity and let us know

Hi @PriyaRK,

Thank you for using the package. Apologies for the late reply. I separated activities in a separate pakcages that I have attached it here.
