Receipt and Invoice AI - availability


AA have a very good video on their version of Invoice AI which is called IQBot_Invoice_Processing_Demo_wVoice 3.mp4

This demonstrates the ability for the Bot to learn from processing invoices on file, making the accuracy a lot better on new invoices it needs to process.

I have been playing around with the beta version of the Receipt and Invoice AI with the machine learning, but it doesn’t yet seem to be at this level?

Does anyone know if UiPath has this functionality available or if it would be available soon?


UiPath has this functionality. go through it


Hi Sandeep, thanks for your reply. I have been testing the products that you mention, i believe they are in Beta mode at the moment and the current functionality doesn’t seem to be comprehensive?..

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UiPath has 2 big releases a year. This release we will get new Built-in OCR engine from UiPath, and in the next release they will offer ML engine (but that would not be until next release which is sometimes next year)