Reading In Excel

Goodday Everyone, I would like to ask how you read the data from Excel (with Multiple Sheets) into a data table in UiPath.
And How do you ensure that the data is readable and iterated over in UiPath (I used a MessageBox, but I’m not sure whether that is a way to go)?

Hey @givenmnisi6

The activities you should use here will be Read Range, ForEachRow.


Hi @givenmnisi6

Checkout this video

You can also also use get workbook sheets activity which will get you the sheets list


I tried following the second video, i cannot find the For Each activity that they used here.

Hello, probably because you are using different legacy compatibility.

try some of these:

Go to activities panel ->Filter icon ->Show modern

You will get that activity


Screenshot (33)
I cant seem to find it here

Hi @givenmnisi6

Click on show classic

What activity you said you don’t see?


For each activity that they used in the second video

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