you screenshot is not giving all details on the issue that you are facing
But definitively you are not passing datatable vars.
The first Excel application Scope activity can output a WorkbookApplication variable. And this can be used on other by setting it under the ExistingWorkBook section (it is similar as it is done with AttachBrowser and Browser Variables)
columnletter +β:1β changes for every row?
because u said assumption for first row
ps:it is my first time with these column indexes so getting more doubts sorry for that
I can suggest you to start with small steps to get it running then enhance it
the row that you want to highlight is under your control. if it is the first row then it is 1 . I dont know your requirements you will do. However I would suggest start with highlighting the cell from first row just get in touch with the implementation
please give me some time. I will have a deeper look on it during my liunch break. There some conceptual issues to solve. higlighting the entire column is not complicated
letme try and post u
one thing i find here is while checking for datatypes is we have to check each column for the datatypes(1st column should be string 2nd column should be alphanumeric like that)