I am trying to read a CSV file into a datatable I have used the activity read CSV however it is not working, any advice? Please see screenshot of my work
I am trying to read a CSV file into a datatable I have used the activity read CSV however it is not working, any advice? Please see screenshot of my work
The issue is when i Output the table i cant see any information - as if the csv isnt pulling in the information
Can you share your CSV file screen and the Read CSV and Output Datatable properties screen?
If possible share your process with csv file which you are not able to get
Have you change the delimiter ?
Worked perfect. However my next issue is i then want to filter this datatable to get certain rows but the rpa is freezing when i do this:
If you need to filter a DataTable you can use the Filter Data Table activitie :
@rachelmcelhone, you can test this method :