Hi there,
I have done with a workflow as I wanted to write line my Business/Employer’s Company Name (i.e. ABC Enterprise). Workflow attached: test2.xaml (10.3 KB)
And this is how my xml script looks like.
I assigned an IF ACTIVITIES with condition wgn.Value.Contains(“MMBA”) and in the IF ACTIVITIES I assigned another IF ACTIVITIES with condition pfd.Value.Contains(“*Business/Employer’s Company Name”). However, I have tried several time to write line my output but it fails to do so.
Does anyone can help me to look through my xaml file?
I do appreciate your help. Thanks and best regards.
What do you want to write in the writeline activities ? @yushinchan
Happy learning 
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Hi @pattyricarte
I want to write line "Business/Emplyer’s Company Name : " +item.Descendants(“pfv”).Value.ToString.
That’s means my output would be Business/Emplyer’s Company Name : ABC Enterprise.
Hi @yushinchan
Did you get any value from this ?
Happy learning 
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Hi @pattyricarte
Nope. I get nothing at output panel.

Did you try to debug it I think it has an error in your xaml so that we can see the value on that point . Please do so! Thanks 
Happy learning 
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Hi @pattyricarte
I debug it but there’s no any error mentioned?
So the problem was your not getting any value on it ? @yushinchan
Ok ill fix it can you share your xaml if it is ok ?
cheers :
Happy learning 
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Hi @pattyricarte
Yup I’m not able to get any value on it.
You means xml file or xaml file?
Thanks so much.
hahahha yes the xml please. also what package did you use to read the xml ? if you can give it to much better! 
Happy learning 
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Hi @pattyricarte
Is it possible I send you the xml script in .txt form and you convert it to .xml form? Because I can’t share the original xml file here as it’s under confidential data. I’m so sorry to say so 
Here’s my .txt file: test2.txt (1.1 KB)
I’m using UiPath.Web.Activities.
Thanks so much for helping me :')
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you can send here pattyricarte@yahoo.com 
Happy learning 
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