Hi to All, I have a XML file that you can see an example there below, the need it to put in some variables the data read in the file.
I can put some of this in the variable correctly, but i can read all the other i need.
I can read and put correctly in a variables this data :
I can put also the productName.value (under SKUitem) in a variable, but i cant read the second line of SKUItems and put the same data productName.value for the next node SKUItem in other variable.
I can read only the firt node data
Can you halp me to show hot need to be the For Each cycle ?
Many thanks
XML Example:
<quoteValidUntil>2022-06-10 00:00:00</quoteValidUntil>
<distributorName>INGRAM MICRO SRL</distributorName>
<addressline1>Viale delle Industrie, 14/B</addressline1>
<partnerName>NPO SISTEMI SRL</partnerName>
<addressline1>Viale Sabotino n. 19/2</addressline1>
<addressline1>Via Ostiense 131 L</addressline1>
<description>SG 330 FullGuard</description>
<startDate>2022-06-18 00:00:00</startDate>
<endDate>2023-06-17 00:00:00</endDate>
<description>SG 330 FullGuard - 12 MOS - RENEWAL</description>
<description>SG 330 Premium Support</description>
<startDate>2022-06-18 00:00:00</startDate>
<endDate>2023-06-17 00:00:00</endDate>
<description>SG 330 Premium Support - 12 MOS - RENEWAL</description>
Many thanks
Cristiano Breveglieri