Read row in excel, set columns to variabels


I need to read an excel sheet. one row at time.
Set every column to a variable.
Then do a lot of processing with the variables before going back to same excel sheet and returning to row number 2 and repeat the process.

So set clientid/ column2 to a Kl.string, company name column3 to Kn.string etc

I use these variables as input in desktop apps. when i am done with the process i want to put an x on column H.
so when i read the excel sheet it will jump to row 3. because the x is there in column H in row 2.

so the variables will be redefined by which row it reads.

i have tried a lot of things but not getting anywhere.

Hi @Sokoli,

Please try to follow the example from this thread:

thanks i got to the point of assigning every column to a variable, but still facing the same problem of it only reading the last row in the excel.