Hi All, I want to read an verification code that is sent to a particular mail id not the one on which bot is running , if I use getoutlook mail activity it read the local user mail id on which it is running not any specific id . Can anyone help me with this. Is it possible using any C# or .net code
Instead of using get outlook mail message activity use the Get IMAP Mail messages activity in this activity you have to give the mail account credentials with IMAP port and servername.
If the account is not logged in your machine it will retrive the mails from that mail account.
Properties of Get IMAP Mail messages activity.
Hope it helps!!
Use get exchange mail message activity which is connecting account through server, for that you don’t need outlook installed in your systems.
How to Connect through get exchange mail message:
please follow this video link:
Using outlook activities you can read mails only on the current users outlook app related mails
For reading mails from any other emails or whicha re not configured on outlook you have multiple other options
- imap activities
- Exchange activities
- Office 365 activities