Read multiple urls from google sheet and open one by one in chrome browser to perform some options

Hi All, I am new to UiPath,
Can anyone pls help me for below scenario.
Wanted to read multiple urls from google spreadsheet and wanted to open each url one by one in chrome browser to perform some action.


Welcome to the community

  1. Google sheets - Activities - About the Google Workspace activities package
  2. You can use loop and then use application/browser activity to pass url


Hi Anil, Thanks for responding me.
With the google spreadsheets I am not able to go ahead because of security reasons.
Can I use text file to read urls from and open in browser? Could you pls help?

Santosh D


Ideally because of the unstable ui it is not advised to use ui for google files or sheets related activities…also…on the spreedsheet specifically it is difficult to get the selectors for each cel or as you need to get table it is even more difficult

But still ifyou want that only you can try…but there ui activities would help not the read text file


Hi Anil,
I have created the workflow for 1 url but wanted to do the same sequence for multiple urls.
I tried below things,

  1. Used Read text file activity read urls and store all urls in File Content string
  2. Used For Each loop
    2 . 1 ) used File Content variable to loop all urls to *In
    2. 2) For Each - > Body
    2. 2. 1) How to use each value of File Content variable in “Type into” activity to browser that url.

I am stuck here could you pls help?

Santosh Dhere