Good morning
Please assist I would like to process one file and move it to processed folder and get the other then process them. i attached the screenshot.
Thanks in advance
Good morning
Please assist I would like to process one file and move it to processed folder and get the other then process them. i attached the screenshot.
Thanks in advance
Use for each file in folder activity inside that use move file activity
Hi @pabaleloh
→ To iterate the each file in this folder use the for each file in folder activity as @Shiva_Nikhil said.
→ Inside For each file in folder activity insert the Move file activity at the end after all operations completed.
By using Move file activity after all operations completed on current element it will move to processed folder.
Hope it helps!!
@mkankatala like this right?
@Shiva_Nikhil How do i read the files 1 by 1? should i use read range wookbook?
In the New remote path no need to give like “/Processed/”+currentItem just give Processed folder path.
Hope you understand!!
@mkankatala So the solution is correct i just need to change the remote path?
yes you are correct… @pabaleloh
@mkankatala thank you so much
Do you want to access the files in remote desktop… @pabaleloh
@mkankatala i download the files from SFTP to local path and process them from local path so i dont know if i should use the read range workbook to read/process them 1 by 1
Then you don’t need to use the FTP Activities, use the system activities, Instead of move item activity use the Move file activity… @pabaleloh
Yes Inside For each file in folder you can use the Read range workbook activity to read the each file in a folder.
Hope you understand!!
oh okay i used for each instead of for each file in folder
No problem both are good, but better to use for each file in folder activity when you are working with files… @pabaleloh
Happy Automation!!
@mkankatala Thank you so much
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