Process stops automatically, without errors

I am trying to run a process in UiPath CE V2019.5.0.

But any process I try to run is not executing completely.
It stops automatically without any error or exception.

I get the Popup “The execution has been cancelled”

Has anyone faced this issue? Any suggestions?

Thanks in Advance
Jegan Chakkravarthy

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HI buddy @Yhtravarkkhc_Nagej
Welcome to uipath community

Kindly uninstall and reinstall the studio and try again buddy
before doing this run the debug mode once buddy and you can that with execute menu and with debug option
Cheers @Yhtravarkkhc_Nagej

@Yhtravarkkhc_Nagej have you connected your studio with orchestrator if connected just give the full name of host name in orchestrator, even I faced this issue when I connected my studio with orchestrator.


Tried running in Debug mode and used Step Into.
Did not work.



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