I want to check is text exist in my HTML file and i have problem with it.
I starting from START PROCESS and opening HTML file with notepad++
but i need to read all the data from this file and check that it contains a specific text like:
" < div cl ass=" paragraph_text">
< s pa n>Potwierdzono ilosc</sp an>
< spa n style=" font-weight: bold;“>Wieksza</sp an>”
How can i do that?
(i needed to put several spaces becouse part of my text was not visible)
Hello PPR,
i want to know that the specified text is in the entire file.
But if i use TEXT EXISTS activity and paste my searched text into it, i have an error “end of expression expected”
use read text file activity and readin the html file
create a variable for the text to search (double quote the " - this could be the current issue with the validation message
OR readin the search text from a seperate text file
checking if the text is present can be done e.g. with
Its works
One more question:
It is possible to use just a part of filename in READ FILE activity?
Full file name: 123File.html
Part : *File.html
Becouse every time my file changing number in name, but of course all time is just one file in directory.